Premium calculator 2024: Calculate health insurance

Health insurance premium calculator - Calculate the current health insurance premiums for various health insurance companies quickly and easily.

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Premium calculator

How does the premium calculator work?

The premium calculator for health insurance in Switzerland is an application for calculating the current health insurance premiums for compulsory health insurance (KVG) and supplementary insurance (VVG). Here is how a premium calculator works in Switzerland:

  1. Entering personal information: The user first enters personal information relevant to the calculation of the health insurance premium. This often includes factors such as date of birth, gender, place of residence (canton), desired insurance model (standard model, Telmed model, HMO model, etc.) and the amount of the desired annual deductible.
  2. Calculation of premiums: The premium calculator uses the data entered to calculate the expected premium for compulsory health insurance in Switzerland. This premium is normally paid monthly. The calculation is based on tariffs set by various health insurance companies and the respective cantons.
  3. Selection of supplementary insurances: The premium calculator also offers the option of selecting additional private health insurances (supplementary insurance) and adding their costs. These supplementary insurances can include things like dental insurance, supplementary hospitalisation insurance or cover for alternative medicine.
  4. Display of results: The premium calculator shows the user the estimated monthly premium for compulsory health insurance as well as the cost of any supplementary insurance policies selected. This allows the user to understand the total cost of their health insurance.
  5. Comparison of options: Users have the opportunity to compare different insurance options by trying out different models, deductibles and supplementary insurances to find the most suitable option for their needs and budget.
  6. Taking out health insurance: In Switzerland, health insurance is compulsory and most citizens are required to take out a health insurance policy. After using the premium calculator, users can take out a policy directly with a health insurance company of their choice.

Is the use of a premium calculator free of charge?

Yes, using the premium calculator is free of charge. Most insurance companies and health insurers offer premium calculators as free online tools on their websites to enable potential policyholders or insured persons to calculate the expected premiums for various insurance policies. The use of these premium calculators is non-binding and does not oblige you to take out an insurance policy or purchase a product.

How high are health insurance premiums?

The average health insurance premium is CHF 359.50. The health insurance premiums are CHF 426.70 for adults, CHF 300.60 for young adults up to the age of 25 and CHF 111.80 for children up to the age of 18. The premiums are set by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and can vary from canton to canton. Factors that can influence the amount of health insurance premiums include:

  • Place of residence (canton): Premiums can vary depending on the canton you live in. Some cantons generally have higher premiums than others.
  • Insurance model: The choice of insurance model, such as the standard model, the Telmed model or the HMO model, can influence the premiums. Models with higher co-payments (deductibles) generally have lower premiums.
  • Amount of the deductible: The higher the annual deductible (excess) you choose, the lower your premiums will usually be. However, this means that you will have to pay a higher amount yourself in the event of a claim.
  • Age: Premiums can increase with age, as older people often have higher healthcare costs.
  • Insurance company: Different health insurance companies may offer different rates, and premiums can vary from provider to provider.
  • Supplementary insurance: If you have additional private health insurance (additional cover), your total monthly costs will increase.